L+L Blog
Feb 23, 2024

Our Top 2024 Trend? Authenticity

Beth Romer

The days of a perfectly curated social media feed are long gone. 

For so long, influencers and brands have shown a picture-perfect life. We all know now that isn’t true, because — let’s face it — life happens. That’s why we love seeing comedy poke fun at our flaws, real-life images in our feeds, and people showing their true selves. To be honest, we find this shift refreshing and a breath of fresh air. 

We are seeing this push for authenticity in social media and marketing, but how does it translate to real life? In a beautiful way.

Think about showing up every day as yourself. Sure, you still need to act professionally in some settings, but could you imagine not second-guessing what you’re about to say? Sharing that idea you’ve been wanting so badly to pitch?, Not overthinking whether you should or shouldn’t volunteer to help that coworker? 

When you are authentically being yourself, you aren’t trying to be someone you’re not. So why second-guess it?

It will take a lot of unlearning, and a lot of being honest about who you are and who you’re not. We just did that exercise, and you can read more about it here. But in that process, you begin to learn what matters to you and what it means to be authentic.

Once you’ve established your authenticity, bring it with you everywhere you go. And if you’re still feeling nervous, check out our blog on 10 questions to bring with you to a networking event for real conversations.

To underscore the importance of authenticity, consider this insight: According to a survey by Stackla, 86% of consumers say authenticity is important when deciding what brands they like and support. This statistic not only highlights the growing demand for realness in brand interactions, it also reflects a broader societal shift towards valuing genuine, unfiltered exchanges over polished presentations.

In the era of “Big Talk,” integrating genuine questions and fostering deep connections can transcend personal interactions and become a vital part of how marketing engages with audiences. 

By prioritizing authenticity, brands and individuals alike can create more meaningful, lasting relationships with their audiences, setting a new standard for communication in both the digital and physical realms.

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